eBook: For a Better Tomorrow (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dr. Joginder Singh 
分類: Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 22398868

原價: HK$44.00
現售: HK$41.8 節省: HK$2.2

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製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/09/10
頁數: 252
ISBN: 9788128828102

 Shri Joginder Singh, IPS (Retd.), former Director of CBI, is a living testimony as to how an ordinary person can rise to the pinnacles of glory by sheer hard work and motivation. His life is a saga of success which can be enunciated as a role model for any aspiring youngster. This magnum opus by Sh. Joginder Singh is a treatise on self improvement. This win-win story is based on the secrets of success as to how to become an achiever. And the success mantra that he espouses for you: Make the best of all opportunities; dream big and work hard-dreams will turn sheer realities. You only need to hone your skills and attitude to become a winner. Remember that success is always a choice. You can choose to be successful by putting the required labour and sacrifices. Today is what matters most. What you expect can happen only if you are focussed-motivation is the bottom line of success.
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