eBook: Syntax: An Introduction to Minimalism (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Gelderen Elly van Gelderen 
分類: Grammar, syntax & morphology  
書城編號: 22428412

售價: $1040.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2017/11/16
頁數: 175
ISBN: 9789027264701

Using a concise and clear style, this book highlights insights from current syntactic theory and minimalism. Chapter 1 starts with the general idea behind generative grammar and should be read from a big picture perspective. Because the book expects no prior syntactic background, its next two chapters are on lexical and grammatical categories and on basic phrase structure rules. After these introductory chapters, the book covers the clausal spine, the VP, TP, and CP in Chapters 4, 5, and 6, respectively. For the VP, it emphasizes lexical aspect, theta-roles, and the VP-shell; for the TP and CP, it uses a cartographic approach and juxtaposes that to free adjunction. Chapter 7 covers the DP and Chapter 8 discusses the importance of features. Chapter 9 returns to some of the issues raised in Chapter 1 and summarizes the approach. It includes keywords, frequent summaries, exercises, and suggested answers to the exercises. Cartoons and frequent corpus examples enliven the text.
Gelderen Elly van Gelderen 作者作品表

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