eBook: Semantics: From meaning to text. Volume 3 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mel'cuk Igor Mel'cuk, Beck David Beck, Polguere Alain Polguere 
系列: Studies in Language Companion Series
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Semantics & pragmatics  
書城編號: 22428968

售價: $1144.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2015/01/14
頁數: 566
ISBN: 9789027268969

This book presents an innovative and novel approach to linguistic semantics, starting from the idea that language can be described as a mechanism for the expression of linguistic Meanings as particular surface forms, or Texts. Semantics is specifically that system of rules that ensures a transition from a Semantic Representation of the Meaning of a family of synonymous sentences to the Deep-Syntactic Representation of a particular sentence. Framed in the terms of Meaning-Text linguistics, the present volume closes the publication of the three volume series. It discusses in detail several linguistic notions crucial to the development of Meaning-Text models of natural languages: semantic and syntactic actants, government pattern, lexical functions, linguistic connotations, phrasemes, the meaning of grammatical cases, and linguistic dependencies. The notions under analysis are illustrated from a variety of languages. Reflecting the author's life-long dedication to the study of the semantics and syntax of natural language, this book is a paradigm-shifting contribution to the language sciences, whose originality and daring will make it essential reading for linguists, anthropologists, semioticians, and computational linguists.
Studies in Language Companion Series

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