eBook: Sevasadan (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Munshi Premchand 
分類: Classic fiction (pre c 1945)  
書城編號: 22448816

原價: HK$40.00
現售: HK$38 節省: HK$2

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製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/06/19
頁數: 269
ISBN: 9789350837207

'Sevasadan' is one of the most representative novels of Munshi Premchand. Soon after it was published, the novel kicked up national debates on such pertinent social issues as prostitution and the place of women in the Indian society. Social taboos dominated the scenario as much as reformers' zeal to tight the rot in the social value system.The story oscillates round a glamour-struck young girl's life. Who was brought up with utmost love and care but whose father had to suffer ignominy at the hands of his adversaries for taking a once-in-lifetime bribe and being jailed for that? Her prospective engagement was broken because her mother, now made a destitute with her daughters, failed to meet the demand of dowry from the bridegroom's family. Hapless and stranded, she along with her mother and sibling sister, was under care of her maternal-uncle. Gets married to a middle-aged pauper and pushed to life-long poverty. She failed to get what she had been dreaming for since her childhood. She fought continual battles between aspiration for a respected prosperous lifestyle, and the existing value system which forced her to live with poverty.By the turns of events she ends up into a life of a tawaif, hatefully tries to come out of the nuisance but the irony of fate makes her the centre-point of all debates on how prostitutes could be rescued and rehabilitated. 'Sevasadan' exposes the time Premchand lived in. It also reflects how seriously the author had waged a battle, which is being fought in the Indian society.
Munshi Premchand 作者作品表

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Greatest Indian Realism and Social Commentary Novels Ever Written: Insightful Works on Struggle, Love, Tradition, Social Norms & Identity (including G

Greatest Hindi Romance Novels Ever Written: Stories of Premchand, Chandu Menon, Devaki Nandan Khatri & others (Including Karmabhoomi, Indulekha, Chand

Greatest Indian Spiritual Fiction Ever Written: Realistic Works on Social Issues, Poverty & Morality (including Godan, Karmabhoomi, Parineeta & more!)

Best Works of Premchand: Gritty Works on Social Realism, Morality, Poverty & Sacrifice (including Mansarovar, Soz-e-Watan, Kafan & more!)(Grape (Hardc

eBook: गृह दाह (DRM EPUB)

Premashram (Paperback)

Nirmala in Gujarati (નિર્મલા) (Paperback)

Mansarovar: Part 3 (Paperback)

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Mansarovar: Part 2 (Paperback)

Alankar (Paperback)

Mansarovar: Book 1 (Paperback)

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