eBook: Kabir Bijak: Sapurn kabir Vaani (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Swami Anand Kulshresth 
分類: Poetry by individual poets  
書城編號: 22451449

原價: HK$40.00
現售: HK$38 節省: HK$2

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製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/06/19
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9789352611164

There is only one caste in the world- mankind, the only religion in the world is- human religion. The great sage Kabir also believed the same. His entire life was dedicated to tying spirituality, human love, human welfare and all religions into one thread of brotherhood. Kabir's creations are unique in creating a footprint of innate senses in the midst of ideological depth. His compositions, describing the complex and intellectual aspects of life in a blatant manner, also do not let their truth and poignancy come on. His creations, devised in divine worship, have the ability to touch the heart, like the fragrance of fragrant clay. His compositions speak for themselves, and give as much as they can in their fists. Sometimes one has to be amazed and overwhelmed thinking that with a few drops Kabir's volume of sensation filled his huge pot. 'Kabir Bijak' is a wonderful compilation of Kabir's unmatched compositions in which his words, not merely in the gross sense, resonate in many sounds, because in his vision, God and Allah are one.
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