eBook: Hamare Rashtrapati Ramnath Kovind (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ashok Kumar Sharma 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military  
書城編號: 22451575

原價: HK$34.00
現售: HK$32.3 節省: HK$1.7

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/11/06
頁數: 176
ISBN: 9789352783960

Ramnath Kovind is the newly elected 14th President of India and the symbol of Indian democracy. He has proved that if you're determined, you can overcome the most unfavorable conditions and emerge as a winner. He is not just a representative of the exploited and underprivileged but anyone who has ever dared to dream. His success is for everyone who believes in themselves even when the world tells them otherwise. This book, besides being the life story of a great man is a testament to the fact that the deprived can very well beat the odds with their perseverance and dedication. It is a document of a definite winning strategy and will help you focus your own efforts to achieve your goals.In this well researched book, many rare, unknown and personal facts about the great man have been narrated in a unique and engaging way by the author Ashok Kumar Sharma, a winner of multiple National Awards and the Author of 32 Best Selling books, which are translated in different languages.
Ashok Kumar Sharma 作者作品表

eBook: Hamare Rashtrapati Ramnath Kovind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 2012 Mahavinash Ya Naye Yug Ka Aramb (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nostradamus Ki Achook Bhavishyavaniyaan (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Our President: Ram Nath Kovind (DRM EPUB)

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