eBook: Ek Budhiya Aur Do Parivaar (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kumkum Singh 
分類: Short stories  
書城編號: 22458690

原價: HK$28.00
現售: HK$26.6 節省: HK$1.4

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製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/09/10
頁數: 80
ISBN: 9789390088102

The book narrates a true story about two families, the first family lived in the forest area of central India. Its ultimate achievement was that they developed an art of keeping them fit despite hunger. And the second family was a billionaire family lived in a city near the capital, where even there pets were under supervision of Dietitians.Destiny plays its game and both the families came face to face with each other.What happened then? To know all about this, one has to read - "Ek Budhiya Aur Do Parivaar".Kumkum Singh, the author, was born in Kanpur City (Uttar Pradesh). She did her graduation and then B.Ed. Coincidentally, she got an opportunity to live and visit many cities of country. She met many peoples of different thoughts and nature. Everyone left his impression on her heart and mind.As a result she started writing many stories, came from those memories, which in turn giving recognition to her writing style.
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