eBook: Pujniye Prabho Hamare (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Arya 
分類: Philosophy of religion  
書城編號: 22458697

原價: HK$34.00
現售: HK$32.3 節省: HK$1.7

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製造商: Diamond Books
出版日期: 2020/06/19
頁數: 210
ISBN: 9789390088171

Dr.Rakesh kumar Arya, who has authored 50 books till date, was born on 17th July, 1967 in village Mahavar, Distt. Gautambudh Nagar, U.P in a family that followed the principles and values of 'Arya Samaj'. His father's name is Shri Rajendra Singh Arya and mother's name is Smt. Satyawati Arya. besides with being a businessman Shri Arya is also a brilliant orator. Sh. Arya was felicitated by the governor of Rajasthan, Sh. Kalyan Singh on 22nd July, 2015 in the Raj Bhavan. Besides this, the Human Resource Development Ministry of the Central government has recommended the national award for his research work, "Bharat ke 1235 Varsheey Swatantrata Sangram Ka Itihas" for the year 2017. This award was given to him on 12th March, 2019, by Central Hindi Directorate. He was also awarded the title of 'Doctorate' on the occasion of his 53rd birthday on 17th July, 2019 in Hotel Amaltas International, Delhi by the President of the International Arya Vidyapeeth and two-time winner of Padmashree, Professor (Dr.) Shyamsingh Shashi and the first Jnanpeeth Award winner in Sanskrit, Professor (Doctor) Satywat Shastri for doing research work in History. Sh. Arya has also been felicitated for his brilliant writing by various Universities and social organizations. His lectures as a visiting professor have been organized by the Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and various other universities. At present, Dr. Arya is doing editorial work in the Nationalist newspaper, 'Ugta Bharat'. He is the National President of the National Press Union, and 'Bhartiy Itihas Punarlekhan samiti' and also the senior national Vice-President of the Hindu Mahasabha. Residence: C E 121, Ansal Golf Links, Tilpatta Chowk, Greater Noida, Dist Gautambudh nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Mobile: 9911169917
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Arya 作者作品表

eBook: Mahila Sashaktikaran Aur Bharat (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gurjar Vansh Ka Gauravshali Itihaas (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pujniye Prabho Hamare (DRM EPUB)

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