eBook: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lewis Wallace 
分類: Religious & spiritual fiction  
書城編號: 22459391

售價: $13.00

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出版日期: 2020/10/22
頁數: 540
ISBN: 9789390492206

Ben-Hur is one of the bestselling books of all times. This poignant novel intertwines the life stories of a Jewish charioteer named Judah Ben-Hur and Jesus Christ. It explores the themes of betrayal and redemption. Ben-Hur's family is wrongly accused and convicted of treason during the time of Christ. Ben-Hur fights to clear his family's name and is ultimately inspired by the rise of Jesus Christ and his message. Wallace writes with a freshness and immediacy that brings every action-packed scene to life and illuminates the geography, ethnology and customs of the ancient world.ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Lewis Wallace was an American lawyer, soldier, politician and author. During active duty as a second lieutenant in the Mexican-American War, Wallace met Abraham Lincoln, who would later inspire him to join the Republican Party and fight for the Union in the American Civil War. Following the end of the war, Wallace retired from the army and began writing, completing his most famous work, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ while serving as the governor of New Mexico Territory. Ben-Hur would go on to become the best-selling American novel of the nineteenth century, and is noted as one of the most influential Christian books ever written. Although Ben-Hur is his most famous work, Wallace published continuously throughout his lifetime. Other notable titles include, The Boyhood of Christ, The Prince of India, several biographies and his own autobiography. Wallace died in 1909 at the age of 77, after a lifetime of service in the American army and government.
Lewis Wallace 作者作品表

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, Complete and Unabridged (Paperback)

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, Complete and Unabridged (Hardcover)

eBook: Ben Hur (DRM EPUB)

Ben-Hur: Libros I-IV (Paperback)

Dan le sosie: Un roman policier d'Edgar Wallace (Paperback)

Le Vengeur: Un roman policier d'Edgar Wallace (Paperback)

Le Serpent jaune: Un roman policier d'Edgar Wallace (Paperback)

La Porte du traître: Un roman policier d'Edgar Wallace (Paperback)

Ben-Hur: Un roman de Lewis Wallace (Paperback)

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (Illustrated) (Paperback)

The Prince of India; Volume 2 (Hardcover)

The Prince of India: Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1 (Hardcover)

The Prince of India; Volume 2 (Paperback)

The Prince of India: Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1 (Paperback)

eBook: Ben-Hur (DRM EPUB)

Ben-Hur -A Tale of the Christ Annotated (Paperback)

Ben-Hur -A Tale of the Christ Annotated (Paperback)

eBook: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ben-Hur (DRM EPUB)

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