eBook: Sustainability Through Innovation in Product Life Cycle Design (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Keijiro Masui, Shinichi Fukushige, Shinsuke Kondoh 
系列: EcoProduction
分類: Environmental economics ,
Waste management ,
Sustainability ,
Technical design  
書城編號: 22491663

售價: $2334.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Singapore
出版日期: 2016/09/19
ISBN: 9789811004711
>> 相關實體書

This book consists of chapters based on selected papers presented at the EcoDesign2015 symposium (9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing). The symposium, taking place in Tokyo in December 2015, has been leading the research and practices of eco-design of products and product-related services since it was first held in 1999. The proceedings of EcoDesign2011 were also published by Springer.Eco-design of products and product-related services (or product life cycle design) are indispensable to realize the circular economy and to increase resource efficiencies of our society. This book covers the state of the art of the research and the practices in eco-design, which are necessary in both developed and developing countries. The chapters of the book, all of which were peer-reviewed, have been contributed by authors from around the world, especially from East Asia, Europe, and Southeast Asia.The features of the book include (1) coverage of the latest topics in the field, e.g., global eco-design management, data usage in eco-design, and social perspectives in eco-design; (2) an increased number of authors from Southeast Asian countries, with a greater emphasis on eco-design in emerging economies; (3) high-quality manuscripts, with the number of chapters less than half of that of the previous book.

eBook: Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics - Challenges, Methods and Best Practices: Volume 2 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics - Challenges, Methods and Best Practices: Volume 2 (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics - Trends, Challenges, Methods and Best Practices: Volume 1 (DRM PDF)

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eBook: FlexSim in Academe: Teaching and Research (DRM EPUB)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Shinichi Fukushige 作者作品表

EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems I (2023) (Hardcover)

EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems Il (2023) (Hardcover)

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