eBook: Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese University Students' English Writing: A Contrastive Perspective (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Xinghua Liu, Anne McCabe 
系列: Corpora and Intercultural Studies
分類: linguistics ,
Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) ,
Literary studies: general  
書城編號: 22494904

售價: $585.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Singapore
出版日期: 2017/09/15
ISBN: 9789811064159
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This book offers up-to-date insights into the long-standing controversy of whether or not Chinese learners of English adequately express their attitudes in written English. It compares four writing datasets from three groups of student writers (e.g., English-speaking students' English texts, Chinese-speaking students' Chinese texts, and both English and Chinese texts produced by the same group of Chinese-speaking students majoring in English), and applies the appraisal framework, an analytical tool developed in the field of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The book provides a nuanced view of the deployment of attitudinal patterns and the linguistic resources used for attitudinal evaluation in Chinese students' English writing. Accordingly, it offers a valuable resource for all those interested in second language writing, contrastive rhetoric, second language acquisition and systemic functional linguistics.
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