eBook: Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong De Chibang (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lingzi Meng 
系列: Corpora and Intercultural Studies
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Gender studies, gender groups  
書城編號: 22501812

售價: $1164.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Singapore
出版日期: 2018/12/29
ISBN: 9789811337208
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This book explores the role of gender in male- and female-produced efforts to translate a Chinese novel into English. Adopting the CDA framework and corpus methodology, the study examines the specific ways in which, and extent to which, a female British translator and a male American translator construct their gender identity in translation. Based on an analysis of the two translations' textual and paratextual features, it reveals the fascinating ways in which language, gender and translation interact. The book is intended for anyone who is interested in gender and translation studies, particularly in applying the new corpus methodology to exploring the interface between gender and translation in the Chinese context. 
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Lingzi Meng 作者作品表

eBook: Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong De Chibang (DRM PDF)

eBook: Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong De Chibang (DRM EPUB)

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