廣東話博大精深,由以前流傳的地道俗語,到現在的網絡用語及影視對白,都廣為香港人所應用。無論是與朋友、家人,抑或同事溝通,港式俗語或者潮語總是不可或缺,但假若你的交流對象是外國人,你又會怎樣演繹這些地道用語?難道「講呢啲」英文真的是Say this thing嗎?不想在外國人面前紅都面晒,便要一書傍身學學英文!
Aman Chiu is a winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards as well as the Hong Kong Youth Literary Awards. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in translation and three Masters’ degrees in language studies, education, and Buddhism respectively. With over 20 years of experience as an English language educator, Aman has authored over 200 books for students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. His activities are documented by an extensive publication record of ELT course books, learners' dictionaries, supplementary materials, language study aids, story books and exam papers. The books that he developed are widely used in Chinese-speaking regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China. His best-selling titles include New Magic Listening and Speaking (OUP), Longman Illustrated Children’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson) and most recently 美國家庭天天說的親子英語 (Sunya).