eBook: Glover's Mistake (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nick Laird 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Adventure ,
Adult & contemporary romance ,
London, Greater London  
書城編號: 22560376

售價: $84.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2010/06/24
ISBN: 9780007372065

From a rising young novelist comes an artful meditation on love and life in contemporary London.When David Pinner introduces his former teacher, the American artist Ruth Marks, to his friend and flatmate James Glover, he unwittingly sets in place a love triangle loaded with tension, guilt and heartbreak. As David plays reluctant witness (and more) to James and Ruth's escalating love affair, he must come to terms with his own blighted emotional life.Set in the London art scene awash with new money and intellectual pretension, in the sleek galleries and posh restaurants of a Britannia resurgent with cultural and economic power, Nick Laird's insightful and drolly satirical novel vividly portrays three people whose world gradually fractures along the fault lines of desire, truth and jealousy. With wit and compassion, Laird explores the very nature of contemporary romance, among damaged souls whose hearts and heads never quite line up long enough for them to achieve true happiness.
Nick Laird 作者作品表

Up Late (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Up Late: Poems (DRM EPUB)

Up Late (Main) (Hardcover)

eBook: Up Late (DRM EPUB)

Feel Free (Paperback)

eBook: Feel Free (DRM EPUB)

Modern Gods (Paperback)

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eBook: Modern Gods (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Modern Gods (DRM EPUB)

Zoo of the New (Hardcover)

Go Giants (Paperback)

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Go Giants (Paperback)

Glover's Mistake (B-Trade Pbk)

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eBook: Glover's Mistake (DRM EPUB)

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