eBook: Piece of the World (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christina Baker Kline 
分類: Historical romance ,
Historical fiction ,
書城編號: 22568081

售價: $88.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2017/02/21
ISBN: 9780008220082
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'Graceful, moving and powerful . . . a wonderful story that seems to have been waiting, all this time, for Kline to come along and tell it' MICHAEL CHABONFor decades, Christina Olson's whole world has been a rocky, windswept point on the coast of Maine, the farmhouse her ancestors fled to from the Salem witch trials. A world she fears she will never leave.As a girl, farm life asked more of Christina than it did her family, her wasting limbs turning every task into a challenge. But the very tenacity that strengthened her may dash her chances for a life beyond her chores and extinguish her hopes for love.Years pass and Christina's solitude is broken by the arrival of Andrew Wyeth, a young artist who is fixated on the isolated farm house. In Christina he will discover more than a kindred spirit; for him, she will become a muse like no other...From the bestselling author of ORPHAN TRAIN comes a luminous portrait of a woman of grit and grace, as heartwarming as it is gripping. A story that allows the reader to marvel at Andrew Wyeth's iconic portrait from the other side.
Christina Baker Kline 作者作品表

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Please Don't Lie: A Thriller (Hardcover)

The Exiles (Paperback)

The Exiles (Paperback)

Orphan Train (Paperback)

eBook: Exiles: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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Piece of the World (Paperback)

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Piece of the World (Hardcover)

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eBook: Piece of the World (DRM EPUB)

A Piece of the World: A Novel (Hardcover)

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