eBook: Right as Rain (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lindsey Stoddard 
書城編號: 22588012

原價: HK$64.00
現售: HK$60.8 節省: HK$3.2

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製造商: HarperCollins
出版日期: 2019/02/12
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9780062652966
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A Kirkus Best Book of 2019!From the critically acclaimed author ofJust Like Jackiecomes a strikingly tender novel about one familys heartbreak and the compassion that carries them through, perfect for fans of Sara Pennypacker, Lisa Graff, and Ann M. Martin.This middle grade novel is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. Its a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom. Its been almost a year since Rains brother Guthrie died, and her parents still dont know it was all Rains fault. In fact, no one doesRain buried her secret deep, no matter how heavy it weighs on her heart.So when her mom suggests moving the family from Vermont to New York City, Rain agrees. But life in the big city is different. Shes never seen so many people in one placeor felt more like an outsider.With her parents fighting more than ever and the anniversary of Guthries death approaching, Rain is determined to keep her big secret close to her heart. But even she knows that when you bury things deep, they grow up twice as tall.Readers will fall in love with the pluck and warmth of Stoddards latest heroine and the strength that even a small heart can lend.
Lindsey Stoddard 作者作品表

The Real Deal (Paperback)

The Real Deal (MP3 CD)

eBook: Real Deal (DRM EPUB)

Bea Is for Blended (Paperback)

eBook: Bea Is for Blended (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Brave Like That (DRM EPUB)

Right as Rain (hardcover)

eBook: Right as Rain (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Just Like Jackie (DRM EPUB)

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