eBook: Friendship List #4: 13 and 3/4 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lisa Greenwald 
系列: Friendship List
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Sporting stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Sports & outdoor recreation (Children's / Teenage) ,
Personal & social issues (Children's / Teenage) ,
Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's / Teenage) ,
Social issues (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 8 years  
書城編號: 22589402

原價: HK$64.00
現售: HK$60.8 節省: HK$3.2

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins
出版日期: 2020/08/04
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9780062875297
>> 相關實體書

BFFs Ari and Kaylan make a new bucket list as they set out for different summer camps in the fourth and final Friendship List novel. The perfect summer read for fans of Lauren Myracle and Rachel Renee Russos Dork Diaries! Ari and Kaylan arent sure how theyre going to survive their first summer apart. No pool. No sleepovers. No emergency late night chats on the porch.So as Ari returns to Camp Silver and Kaylan heads off to comedy camp, they come up with a new list of 13 and 3/4 ways to keep their friendship strong as they tackle everything from bias to batik and moping to matchmaking. Told in alternating perspectives, the fourth book in the popular Friendship List series is sure to make readers cry, laugh, and start plotting their own friendship lists.
Friendship List

eBook: Friendship List #4: 13 and 3/4 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Friendship List #3: 13 and Counting (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Friendship List #2: 12 Before 13 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Friendship List #1: 11 Before 12 (DRM EPUB)

Lisa Greenwald 作者作品表

The Summer of the Fortune Tellers (Hardcover)

Ellie's Deli: In a Pickle!: Vol. 2 Volume 1 (Hardcover)

Fortune Tellers (MP3 CD)

Fortune Tellers (Compact Disc)

Fortune Tellers (Hardcover)

Ellie's Deli: Wishing on Matzo Ball Soup!: Volume 1 (Hardcover)

Absolutely, Positively Natty (Compact Disc)

Absolutely, Positively Natty (Hardcover)

Absolutely, Positively Natty (MP3 CD)

eBook: Absolutely, Positively Natty (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dear Friends (DRM EPUB)

eBook: TBH #8: TBH, I Don't Want to Say Good-bye (DRM EPUB)

eBook: TBH #7: TBH, No One Can EVER Know (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Friendship List #4: 13 and 3/4 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: TBH #6: TBH, You Know What I Mean (DRM EPUB)

TBH #4: TBH, IDK What's Next (Paperback)

eBook: TBH #5: TBH, I Feel the Same (DRM EPUB)

TBH #3: TBH, Too Much Drama (Paperback)

TBH #2: TBH, This May Be TMI (Paperback)

eBook: Friendship List #3: 13 and Counting (DRM EPUB)

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