eBook: Japanese for Travellers: A Journey Through Modern Japan (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Katie Kitamura 
分類: Travel writing ,
書城編號: 22591883

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2007/04/05
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9780141901770

Can you be a stranger in your own country? A Japanese-American raised in California, 24-year-old Katie Kitamura returns to Japan to discover the country she left behind. Travelling across this foreign landscape, she visits middle-class gambling halls, fight stadiums and giant shopping meccas, luxury care homes and cramped apartments housing four generations under a single roof. And she wonders in which version of modern Japan she might have belonged. Defined by its adventurous youth culture, but with the fastest-ageing population in the world, renowned for its strict social code, but producing the black-comedy violence of the Battle Royale films, the Japan she discovers is an often contradictory land of Godzilla toys and war memorials, of futuristic manga characters and brightly coloured vending machines.
Katie Kitamura 作者作品表

Audition (Hardcover)

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eBook: Gone to the Forest (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gone to the Forest: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Longshot (Paperback)

eBook: Japanese for Travellers: A Journey Through Modern Japan (DRM EPUB)

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