eBook: Chandelier (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Clarice Lispector 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Classic fiction (pre c 1945)  
書城編號: 22595889

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2019/11/28
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780141989501
>> 相關實體書

Clarice Lispector's masterly second novel, now available in English for the first time'She found the best clay that one could desire: white, supple, sticky, cold ... She would get a clear and tender material from which she could shape a world'Like the clay from which she sculpts figurines as a girl, Virginia is constantly shifting and changing. From her dreamlike childhood on Quiet Farm with her adored brother Daniel, through an adulthood where the past continues to pull her back and shape her, she moves through life, grasping for the truth of existence. Illuminating Virginia's progress through intense flashes of image, sensation and perception, The Chandelier, Lispector's landmark second novel, is a disorienting and exhilarating portrait of one woman's inner life. 'Utterly original and brilliant, haunting and disturbing' Colm T ib nTranslated by Benjamin Moser and Magdalena Edwards
Clarice Lispector 作者作品表

The Apple in the Dark (Paperback)

eBook: Apple in the Dark (DRM EPUB)

The Hour of the Star (Paperback)

Too Much of Life: Complete Chronicles (Paperback)

The Imitation of the Rose (Hardcover)

Clarice Lispector - Encontros (Paperback)

Too Much of Life: The Complete Crônicas (MP3 CD)

Too Much of Life: The Complete Crônicas (Compact Disc)

Too Much of Life: Complete Chronicles (Paperback)

An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures (Paperback)

eBook: Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures (DRM EPUB)

The Complete Stories (MP3 CD)

The Complete Stories (Compact Disc)

The Complete Stories Lib/E (Compact Disc)

eBook: Chandelier (DRM EPUB)

Besieged City (Paperback)

Chandelier (Paperback)

Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady (Paperback)

eBook: Complete Stories (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Passion According to G.H (DRM EPUB)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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