eBook: Beloved (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robin Lee Hatcher 
系列: Where The Heart Lives
分類: Religious & spiritual fiction ,
Christian life & practice  
書城編號: 22601635

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Zondervan
出版日期: 2013/09/24
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780310411871
>> 相關實體書

A most unwelcome guest surprises Diana at her engagement partythe husband she thought was dead!Diana Brennan came west on the orphan train and was given a home with a loving couple who cherished and spoiled her. At 17, she fell hard for Tyson Applegate, the son of a wealthy mine owner. After a whirlwind courtship and marriage, Tyson took off for adventures around the world, including fighting with the Rough Riders in Cuba. Receiving no word of him in years, Diana is ready to move past the old pain and marry again, just as soon as Tyson is declared legally dead.But when Tyson returns, supposedly a changed man, he wants to reunite with his wife and run for the senate. While Diana suspects the election is his real reason for wanting her by his side, she agrees to maintain his home and to campaign with him, but when it is over, win or lose, she wants her freedom.He agrees with one conditionshe must give him a chance to change her mind about him.
Where The Heart Lives

eBook: Where the Heart Lives Collection (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Beloved (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Betrayal (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Belonging (DRM EPUB)

Robin Lee Hatcher 作者作品表

Wishing for Mistletoe: A Small Town Christian Romance (Paperback)

Rich Beyond Measure: Zlata's Story (Paperback)

To Marry an English Lord (MP3 CD)

To Marry an English Lord (Compact Disc)

To Marry an English Lord: A Sweet Western Romance (Paperback)

A Wish and a Prayer (Paperback)

The Forgiving Hour (Paperback)

Beyond the Shadows (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (Compact Disc)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart: A Sweet Victorian Romance (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (MP3 CD)

Like the Wind ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

All She Ever Dreamed: A Christian Western Romance (Paperback)

Like the Wind (Compact Disc)

Like the Wind (MP3 CD)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM PDF)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM PDF)

I'll Be Seeing You (Compact Disc)

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