eBook: Invention of Clouds: How an Amateur Meteorologist Forged the Language of the Skies (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Richard Hamblyn 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
History of science ,
Popular science ,
書城編號: 22604285

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

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製造商: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2011/02/28
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780330537308
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An extraordinary yet little-known scientific advance occurred in the opening years of the nineteenth century when a young amateur meteorologist, Luke Howard, gave the clouds the names by which they are known to this day. By creating a language to define structures that had, up to then, been considered random and unknowable, Howard revolutionized the science of meteorology and earned the admiration of his leading contemporaries in art, literature and science. Richard Hamblyn charts Howard's life from obscurity to international fame, and back to obscurity once more. He recreates the period's intoxicating atmosphere of scientific discovery, and shows how this provided inspiration for figures such as Goethe, Shelley and Constable. Offering rich insights into the nature of celebrity, the close relationship between the sciences and the arts, and the excitement generated by new ideas, The Invention of Clouds is an enthralling work of social and scientific history.
Richard Hamblyn 作者作品表

eBook: Cloud Book: How to Understand the Skies (DRM EPUB)

Clouds (Paperback)

Tsunami (Paperback)

Art of Science (Paperback)

Extraordinary Weather (Paperback)

eBook: Extraordinary Weather: Wonders of the Atmosphere from Dust Storms to Lightning Strikes (DRM EPUB)

Art of Science (Hardcover)

eBook: Art of Science: A Natural History of Ideas (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Invention of Clouds: How an Amateur Meteorologist Forged the Language of the Skies (DRM EPUB)

The Invention of Clouds: How an Amateur Meteorologist Forged the Language of the Skies (Paperback)

Terra: Tales of the Earth (Paperback)

The Met Office Pocket Cloud Book (UK ed.) (Hardcover)

Extraordinary Clouds (Paperback)

Cloud Book (Paperback)

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