eBook: Tuck Everlasting (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Natalie Babbitt 
分類: Classic fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 22606592

原價: HK$99.00
現售: HK$94.05 節省: HK$4.95

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製造商: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
出版日期: 2015/01/20
頁數: 144
ISBN: 9780374302030

Critically acclaimed when it was first published, Tuck Everlasting has become a much-loved, well-studied modern-day classic. This anniversary edition features an in-depth interview conducted by Betsy Hearne in which Natalie Babbitt takes a look at Tuck Everlasting twenty-five years later. What if you could live forever?Is eternal life a blessing or a curse? That is what young Winnie Foster must decide when she discovers a spring on her family's property whose waters grant immortality. Members of the Tuck family, having drunk from the spring, tell Winnie of their experiences watching life go by and never growing older.But then Winnie must decide whether or not to keep the Tucks' secret-and whether or not to join them on their never-ending journey.Praise for Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt:"A fearsome and beautifully written book that can't be put down or forgotten." -The New York Times"Exciting and excellently written." -The New York Times Book Review"With its serious intentions and light touch the story is, like the Tucks, timeless." -Chicago Sun-Times"Probably the best work of our best children's novelist." -Harper's"Natalie Babbitt's great skill is spinning fantasy with the lilt and sense of timeless wisdom of the old fairy tales. . . . It lingers on, haunting your waking hours, making you ponder." -The Boston Globe"This book is as shapely, crisp, sweet, and tangy as a summer-ripe pear." -Entertainment WeeklyThis title has Common Core connections.
Natalie Babbitt 作者作品表

Tuck Everlasting (Paperback)

Tuck Everlasting (Hardcover)

Herbert Rowbarge (Paperback)

Tuck Everlasting

eBook: Tuck Everlasting (DRM EPUB)

Tuck Everlasting (Paperback)

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Tuck Everlasting

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