eBook: Handwriting Analysis: An Adventure in Self-Discovery, Third Edition (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Peter Dennis 
書城編號: 22632243

原價: HK$174.00
現售: HK$165.3 節省: HK$8.7

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製造商: CAPCO International
出版日期: 2013/04/30
ISBN: 9780969892663

Have you ever thought about how helpful it would be if you could get an accurate profile of someone's personality? How many ways could you use this information? This book, which has sold over 10,000 printed copies, explains all you need to know about handwriting analysis (known as Graphology) in order to produce a comprehensive profile of anyone's personality. It is clear, straightforward, and easy to follow. It has been used in classrooms with beginners and it serves as a handy reference for the experienced analyst. This third edition delves into the darker side of human personality and shows you how you can identify 65 different signs in handwriting that signal potential danger and dishonesty. These signs are found in the writings of convicted criminals, serial killers, con artists, and others who are not to be trusted. Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be approximately three times more important to success in life and in the workplace than I.Q. Chapter seven shows you how to evaluate your own Emotional Quotient (EQ). Compatibility is critical to establishing strong, fulfilling, and lasting relationships. The more differences that exist between people, the more difficult it is for them to be compatible. Chapter eight shows you how handwriting analysis can identify many of the most important differences. Each child's unique personality is reflected in his or her handwriting. Chapter nine provides many insights and helpful suggestions for parents and teachers to assist in the learning and development of our children. This is a teaching book. Its easy-to-follow format provides a sound introduction to Handwriting Analysis, it shows you how to identify over 80 different aspects of personality and it gives the reader everything necessary to produce comprehensive, useful, and revealing analyses.
Peter Dennis 作者作品表

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eBook: Metaphysics: An Adventure in Self-discovery (DRM EPUB)

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The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History (Hardcover)

eBook: Channeling Connection, the Process, the Beings and the Messages (DRM EPUB)

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