eBook: Memory Palace (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Mira Bartok 
分類: Memoirs  
書城編號: 22685655

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Free Press
出版日期: 2011/01/11
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781439183335
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In the tradition of The Glass Castle, two sisters confront schizophrenia in this New York Times bestselling poignant memoir about family and mental illness. Through stunning prose and original art, The Memory Palace captures the love between mother and daughter, the complex meaning of truth, and one family's capacity for forgiveness.*A Washington Post Best Book of the Year * *The National Book Critics Circle Award Winner for Best Autobiography* ';People have abandoned their loved ones for much less than you've been through,' Mira Bartk is told at her mother's memorial service. It is a poignant observation about the relationship between Mira, her sister, and their mentally ill mother. Before she was struck with schizophrenia at the age of nineteen, beautiful piano protg Norma Herr had been the most vibrant personality in the room. She loved her daughters and did her best to raise them well, but as her mental state deteriorated, Norma spoke less about Chopin and more about Nazis and her fear that her daughters would be kidnapped, murdered, or raped. When the girls left for college, the harassment escalatedNorma called them obsessively, appeared at their apartments or jobs, threatened to kill herself if they did not return home. After a traumatic encounter, Mira and her sister were left with no choice but to change their names and sever all contact with Norma in order to stay safe. But while Mira pursued her career as an artistexploring the ancient romance of Florence, the eerie mysticism of northern Norway, and the raw desert of Israelthe haunting memories of her mother were never far away. Then one day, a debilitating car accident changes Mira's life forever. Struggling to recover from a traumatic brain injury, she was confronted with a need to recontextualize her lifeshe had to relearn how to paint, read, and interact with the outside world. In her search for a way back to her lost self, Mira reached out to the homeless shelter where she believed her mother was living and discovered that Norma was dying. Mira and her sister traveled to Cleveland, where they shared an extraordinary reconciliation with their mother that none of them had thought possible. At the hospital, Mira discovered a set of keys that opened a storage unit Norma had been keeping for seventeen years. Filled with family photos, childhood toys, and ephemera from Norma's life, the storage unit brought back a flood of previous memories that Mira had thought were lost to her forever. The Memory Palace is a breathtaking literary memoir about the complex meaning of love, truth, and the capacity for forgiveness among family. Through stunning prose and original art created by the author in tandem with the text, The Memory Palace explores the connections between mother and daughter that cannot be broken no matter how much existsor is lostbetween them.
Mira Bartok 作者作品表

eBook: Wonderling (DRM PDF)

eBook: Wonderling (DRM EPUB)


The Memory Palace: A Memoir (paperback)

eBook: Memory Palace (DRM EPUB)

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