eBook: Get Started In Massage: Easy techniques to boost relaxation, treat aches and pains and promote closeness (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Denise Whichello Brown 
分類: Massage  
書城編號: 22692823

售價: $130.00

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製造商: John Murray Press
出版日期: 2010/01/29
ISBN: 9781444129335
>> 相關實體書

Starting by helping you to understand what's happening in your body, Get Started in Massage will give you practical guidance on how to use massage for therapeutic and healing purposes. Step-by-step guides with diagrams and a breakdown of which oils to use and when accompany sections on sports injuries, massage for pregnancy and babies, and self-massage in this no-nonsense guide to an effective healing art.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based onthe author's many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at www.teachyourself.com to give you a richer understanding of massage.FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.
Denise Whichello Brown 作者作品表

Reflexology Healing Bible (Paperback)

Natural Healing with Aromatherapy (Paperback)

eBook: Natural Healing with Aromatherapy: Flash (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Healing Massage: Flash (DRM EPUB)

Healing Massage: Flash (Paperback)

eBook: Change Your Mood With Aromatherapy: Teach Yourself (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Get Started In Massage: Easy techniques to boost relaxation, treat aches and pains and promote closeness (DRM EPUB)

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