eBook: Successful Selling In A Week: How To Excel In Sales In Seven Simple Steps (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christine Harvey 
分類: Sales & marketing management ,
Sales & marketing ,
Advice on careers & achieving success  
書城編號: 22693280

售價: $143.00

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製造商: John Murray Press
出版日期: 2012/03/30
ISBN: 9781444159455
>> 相關實體書

Selling just got easierGood salespeople are in great demand. Sales skills are essential in starting any business, and successful selling brings with it career progression, satisfaction and personal growth that are second to none. With this book, you'll learn all the components necessary to become not just a good but a great salesperson. Whether you're new to sales, and want to start out with a bang, or a veteran salesperson who wants to maximize results, Successful Selling In A Week will be a huge asset to you now and in years to come.You'll learn ways to increase the effectiveness of your efforts, save time and energy and get the best results possible, regardless of your field of sales. You'll be able to put together your own system of success, just like the people before you from whom these principles are drawn. Successful selling means using a structured set of systems that all professional high achievers can learn. We will look at each of these steps one day at a time.You may be wondering if your personality is right for sales. You may think that it's important to be a good talker, but it's far more important to be a sincere listener, to be able to ask pertinent questions that uncover buying motives, and then be able to present the features and benefits of your product or service as they match your customer's needs. A person who does all the talking, without the right questioning and listening, will be wasting time and effort. There is, in fact, no one right personality for sales. Most of us can use the skills we've developed over our lifetime, and hone them with the principles of this book to become a top-notch, if not world-class, salesperson. You'll be able to use the techniques in this book to design sales skills that work best for you, your personality and your industry. - Sunday: Jump-start your success formula- Monday: Develop product and service expertise- Tuesday: Grasp the buying motives- Wednesday: Conquer objections: turn them to your advantage- Thursday: Master successful presentations and closings- Friday: Create action-provoking systems- Saturday: Implement motivation and support systems
Christine Harvey 作者作品表

Ultimate Sales Book (Paperback)

eBook: Dezvoltarea aptitudinilor interpersonale (DRM EPUB)

People Skills in a Week (Paperback)

Starting a New Job in a Week (Paperback)

Successful Selling in a Week (Paperback)

eBook: Starting A New Job In A Week: How To Succeed In Your New Role In Seven Simple Steps (DRM EPUB)

Teach Yourself Personal Impact at Work in a Week (Paperback)

eBook: Personal Impact at Work in a Week: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub: Teach Yourself (DRM EPUB)

eBook: People Skills In A Week: Motivate Yourself And Others In Seven Simple Steps (DRM EPUB)

Teach Yourself Successful People Skills in a Week (Paperback)

eBook: Successful Selling In A Week: How To Excel In Sales In Seven Simple Steps (DRM EPUB)

Teach Yourself Successful Selling in a Week (Paperback)

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