eBook: Oi Puppies! (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kes Gray, Jim Field 
系列: Oi Frog and Friends
分類: Picture storybooks ,
For National Curriculum Early Years ,
Interest age: from c 3 years  
書城編號: 22697190

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hachette Children's Group
出版日期: 2019/10/03
ISBN: 9781444937374
>> 相關實體書

The laughter never ends with Oi Frog and Friends!Another brilliantly funny, rhyming read-aloud picture book, jam-packed with cute puppies and silliness. From the bestselling, multi-award-winning creators of Oi Frog! Dog is looking after some puppies. Quite a few puppies, actually, and none of them will sit! Not even on guppies, like they're supposed to! They're getting a little out of hand. But luckily Frog's got a cunning plan . . .Praise for Oi Frog!: 'An absolute treat.' - Daily Mail'Everyone will love it.' - GuardianOi Frog and Friends is a top ten bestselling series which has sold 1.4 million copies to date. Oi Dog! won the 2017 Laugh Out Loud Awards (among others), and Oi Goat! was the number one bestselling 2018 World Book Day Book. Oi Frog! won a Silver Award at the Nielsen Bookscan Awards 2019, and Oi Duck-billed Platypus! was shortlisted for the Children's Book of the Year at the British Book Awards 2019.
Oi Frog and Friends

Oi Dinosaurs! (Paperback)

eBook: Oi Dinosaurs! (DRM EPUB)

Oi Dinosaurs! (Hardcover)

Oi Frog! 10th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)

Oi Aardvark! Board Book (Board book)

Oi Aardvark! (Paperback)

Oi Puppies Board Book (Board book)

eBook: Oi Aardvark! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Oi Puppies! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Oi Duck-billed Platypus! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Oi Cat! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Oi Dog! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Oi Frog! (DRM EPUB)

Kes Gray 作者作品表



Vesuvius Poovius (Paperback)

Oi Dinosaurs! (Paperback)

A Mouse Just Ate My House! (Paperback)

Good Bits (Paperback)

Daisy and the Trouble with Shopping (Paperback)

Oi Dinosaurs! (Hardcover)

Torla and Smorla and The Lower Than Average Cloud (Paperback)

Torla and Smorla and the Lower Than Average Cloud (Hardcover)

The Hoys (Paperback)

Oi Frog! 10th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)

The Hoys (Limited Edition) (Hardcover)

The Hoys (Hardcover)

Daisy and the Trouble With Space (Paperback)

eBook: Daisy and the Trouble With Space (DRM EPUB)

The Who's Whonicorn of Sing-along Unicorns (Hardcover)

The Who's Whonicorn of Sing-along Unicorns (Paperback)

Brrr!: A brrrilliantly funny story about dinosaurs, knitting and space (Paperback)

Brrr!: A brrrilliantly funny story about dinosaurs, knitting and space (Hardcover)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

Jim Field 作者作品表




Señor Roscoe in the City (Hardcover)

Monsieur Roscoe in the City (Hardcover)

eBook: Monsieur Roscoe in the City (DRM EPUB)

Monsieur Roscoe in the City (Hardcover)

Monsieur Roscoe on Holiday Board Book (Board book)

Monsieur Roscoe on Holiday (Paperback)

eBook: Monsieur Roscoe on Holiday (DRM EPUB)

Monsieur Roscoe on Holiday (Hardcover)

Monsieur Roscoe on Vacation (Hardcover)

Señor Roscoe on Vacation (Hardcover)

Let's Read! Cats Ahoy! (Paperback)

Playing Cards for Children (Paperback)

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