eBook: Otto the Book Bear (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Katie Cleminson 
系列: Otto the Book Bear
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 22700788

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Penguin Random House Children's UK
出版日期: 2011/08/04
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9781446495896
>> 相關實體書

Otto is a Book Bear and nothing makes him happier than when people read his book. But he also has a very special secret - when no one is looking he can come to life and explore the house. But one day something terrible happens: Otto's book is left behind when the family moves away, and now there is no one to read Otto! Otto must set off on his biggest adventure yet - to find a new home. But where is the best place for a Book Bear to live?
Otto the Book Bear

eBook: Otto the Book Bear (DRM EPUB)

Katie Cleminson 作者作品表

Otto the Book Bear in the Snow (Paperback)

Otto the Book Bear (hardcover)

eBook: Otto the Book Bear (DRM EPUB)

Otto the Book Bear (Paperback)

Wake Up (Paperback)

Box of Tricks (Paperback)

Box of Tricks (Hardcover)

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