eBook: House on the Cliff (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Charlotte Williams 
分類: Crime & mystery  
書城編號: 22701861

售價: $117.00

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製造商: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2013/02/28
頁數: 300
ISBN: 9781447237723
>> 相關實體書

Actor Gwydion Morgan's dramatic appearance at Jessica Mayhew's psychotherapy practice coincides with a turbulent time in her own life - her husband has just admitted he's been unfaithful. Her new client is good-looking and talented, but tormented by an intriguing phobia, which Jessica is determined to investigate.On an emergency visit to the Morgans' remote cliff-top mansion, Jessica discovers that Gwydion's former au pair was mysteriously drowned in the bay nearby. Could the tragedy somehow be linked to Gwydion's disorder?As the quest to help her client deepens, Jessica finds herself becoming embroiled in the Morgans' poisonous family dynamic. At the same time, she has to deal with the demands of her own domestic life: her struggle to keep her marriage intact, as well as her older daughter's increasingly defiant behaviour. And then, of course, there is the growing attraction she feels towards her new client . . .
Charlotte Williams 作者作品表

Sugar and Slate (Paperback)

Sugar and Slate (Paperback)

Black Valley (Paperback)

eBook: Social Work and the City: Urban Themes in 21st-Century Social Work (DRM PDF)

Social Work in a Diverse Society (Paperback)

eBook: Unbreakable Spirit (DRM EPUB)

Tolerant Nation? (Paperback)

Black Valley (Paperback)

eBook: Black Valley (DRM EPUB)

Black Valley (Hardcover)

The House on the Cliff: A Novel

House on the Cliff (Paperback)

eBook: House on the Cliff (DRM EPUB)

House on the Cliff (Hardcover)

Social Work in Europe: Race and Ethnic Relations (Hardcover)

Race and Ethnicity in a Welfare Society (Paperback)

eBook: Female Side of God (DRM EPUB)

Race and Ethnicity in a Welfare Society (Hardcover)

eBook: Goddess Gift (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gift from the Goddess (DRM EPUB)

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