eBook: Priceless (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Mariah Stewart 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Adult & contemporary romance  
書城編號: 22708401

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Pocket books
出版日期: 2010/11/16
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781451633061
>> 相關實體書

The award-winning New York Times bestselling author whose tender and sensual love stories touch readers' hearts weaves her signature magic, unfolding an unforgettable tale of a man and a woman who find that love is the most precious treasure of all...When underwater archaeologist Sam McGowan is asked to help salvage a sunken Confederate blockade runner, he's eager for the opportunity to investigate his own family historyespecially since the project is being handled by Gordon Chandler, a notable authority in underwater salvaging. When he finds Gordon's daughter Rachel in charge, Sam is not pleased. She can't possibly be her father's match. But not only has Sam wildly underestimated Rachel's professional abilities, he has yet to discover the many other facets of this complex woman. All her life, Rachel Chandler has dreamed of finding sunken treasure. While grateful to run her first solo operation, she resents having been assigned to run the salvage operation of a sunken blockade runner while her father is investigating a pirate ship. Most definitely, she does not want to work with a man who will question her every move. But when she and Sam stumble onto an unexpected cache of gems aboard the sunken wreck, they're drawn into something that fast becomes far more than just a working partnership. As Rachel and Sam start to dream of a future together, they also begin to realize that the fabulous treasure they have discovered holds more danger than they ever suspected.
Mariah Stewart 作者作品表

Priceless (Mass Market Paperbound)

The Head That Wears the Crown (MP3 CD)

The Head That Wears the Crown (Compact Disc)

The Head That Wears the Crown (Paperback)

All That We Are: Wyndham Beach ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

All That We Are (MP3 CD)

All That We Are (Paperback)

All That We Are (Compact Disc)

The President's Daughter (MP3 CD)

The President's Daughter (Compact Disc)

Dead End (MP3 CD)

Dead End (Compact Disc)

Forgotten (MP3 CD)

Forgotten (Compact Disc)

Moments in Time (MP3 CD)

Moments in Time (Compact Disc)

Last Words (MP3 CD)

Last Words (Compact Disc)

Moon Dance (Compact Disc)

Moon Dance (MP3 CD)

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