eBook: Wild Cards: High Stakes (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: George R.R. Martin 
分類: Science fiction  
書城編號: 22742931

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Orion
出版日期: 2017/02/28
ISBN: 9781473221994
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Perfect for old fans and new readers alike, High Stakes delves deeper into the world of aces, jokers, and the hard-boiled men and women of the Fort Freak police precinct in a pulpy, page-turning novel of superheroics and Lovecraftian horror. Since an alien virus swept through New York City, the world has changed. Those who survived were divided. The lucky ones transformed into aces - heroes gifted with extraordinary powers. The rest became jokers, tragically mutated and cursed with terrifying abilities. These days, the hard-bitten police of Manhattan's notorious Fifth Precinct - 'Fort Freak' - specialise in a very particular kind of criminal . . .Officer Francis Black, vigilante joker Marcus 'The Infamous Black Tongue' Morgan and ace thief Mollie 'Tesseract' Steunenberg are stuck in Kazakhstan. The coldblooded Baba Yaga is forcing jokers into an illegal fighting ring, but her hidden agenda is much darker: her fighters' deaths serve to placate a vicious monster from another dimension. And when the last line of defence against this world weakens, all hell will break loose - literally. The Committee in New York sends a team of aces to investigate. One by one, each falls victim to evil forces - including the dark impulses within themselves. Only the most unlikely of heroes stands a chance of saving the world before utter chaos erupts. Edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin, High Stakes features the writing talents of Melinda M. Snodgrass, John J. Miller, David Anthony Durham, Caroline Spector, Stephen Leigh and Ian Tregillis.Now in development for TV: rights to develop Wild Cards for TV have been acquired by Universal Cable Productions, the team that brought you The Magicians and Mr. Robot, with the co-editor of Wild Cards, Melinda Snodgrass as executive producer.
George R.R. Martin 作者作品表

Fire and Blood Collector’s Edition: The Inspiration for Hbo’s House of the Dragon (Hardcover)

Fire and Blood Slipcase Edition: The Inspiration for Hbo’s House of the Dragon (Hardcover)

A Clash of Kings: Graphic Novel, Volume 4 (Hardcover)

House Rules (Hardcover)

Fire and Blood (Paperback)

Fire and Blood (Paperback)

Fire and Blood (Paperback)

Joker Moon (Paperback)

The Ice Dragon (Paperback)

A Clash of Kings: Graphic Novel, Volume Three (Hardcover)

Fire and Blood (Paperback)

Joker Moon (Hardcover)

eBook: Joker Moon (Wild Cards) (DRM EPUB)

A Storm of Swords (Illustrated ed) (Hardcover)

Fire & Blood (paperback)

eBook: Fevre Dream (DRM EPUB)

A Clash of Kings: Graphic Novel, Volume Two (Hardcover)

A Clash of Kings (Illustrated ed) (Hardcover)

eBook: Texas Hold 'Em (Wild Cards) (DRM EPUB)

Fire and Blood (Hardcover)

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