eBook: IkeaHackers.Net: 25 Biggest and Best Projects: DIY Hacks for Multi-Functional Furniture, Clever Storage Upgrades, Space-Saving Solutions and Mo
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jules Yap 
分類: Furniture design ,
Interior design, decor & style guides ,
DIY: general  
書城編號: 22746180

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Random House
出版日期: 2017/08/10
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9781473553750
>> 相關實體書

THINK OUTSIDE THE FLAT-PACK BOX: The ingenious team at IkeaHackers show you how to transform affordable IKEA products into creative new furniture and more...Step 1. Buy it at IKEA. Step 2. Open the box. Step 3. Throw away the instructions. Step 4. Have fun building your exciting new hack! By thinking outside the flat-pack box, author Jules Yap and the contributors to her wildly popular website IkeaHackers have come up with clever ways to repurpose IKEA's great products into even more useful and stylish furnishings for your home. Packed with ideas for every room, IKEA Hacks shows you how to mix-and-match, cut-and-paste, and saw-and-screw IKEA items in ways they never imagined. The inventive projects include a cat condo created using LACK tables, a children's playhouse constructed from KURA bed and TROFAST toy storage, and a Murphy bed made from PAX wardrobe, BALLSTAD doors and LUROY bed base. Each project comes complete with step-by-step instructions as well as full-colour illustrations and photos.
Jules Yap 作者作品表

IkeaHackers.Net (Paperback)

eBook: IkeaHackers.Net: 25 Biggest and Best Projects: DIY Hacks for Multi-Functional Furniture, Clever Storage Upgrades, Space-Saving Solutions and Mo

IKEAHACKERS.NET 25 Biggest and Best Projects (Paperback)

eBook: IKEAHACKERS.NET 25 Biggest and Best Projects: DIY Hacks for Multi-Functional Furniture, Clever Storage Upgrades, Space-Saving Solutions and Mor

eBook: IKEAHACKERS.NET 25 Biggest and Best Projects: DIY Hacks for Multi-Functional Furniture, Clever Storage Upgrades, Space-Saving Solutions and Mor

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