eBook: Tigress of Mysore (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Allan Mallinson 
系列: Matthew Hervey
分類: Historical fiction ,
Indian sub-continent  
書城編號: 22747353

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Transworld
出版日期: 2020/08/06
頁數: 368
ISBN: 9781473574304
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'Matthew Hervey is as splendid a hero as ever sprang from an author's pen' The TimesFollowing the 6th Light Dragoons' successful campaign in the state of Coorg and the deposition of its deranged Rajah, Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Hervey is looking forward to a few months' respite for his regiment, for himself and his family. Indeed, with his reputation restored, he's rarely felt so content. Alas, such tranquillity is not to last. India's governor-general believes Hervey is just the man to lead a force against the Thuggee and Dacoity gangs whose increasingly vicious attacks threaten not only the stability of a number of friendly princely states but also, of course, the East India Company's interests in the sub-continent. And so Hervey reluctantly leads the Sixth into the field once more. It's a mission that will prove infinitely more complex, brutal and bloody than anyone predicted. For Hervey has taken the first steps on the path towards the conflagration history calls the Indian Mutiny . . .'Mallinson's series of early 19th-century military adventures are even better than Patrick O'Brian's naval equivalent . . . Faithful period detail. Rattling pace. Loveable characters' A. N. Wilson'Thrilling . . . richly engaging, old-fashioned storytelling' Daily Mail
Matthew Hervey

The Tigress of Mysore (Paperback)

The Tigress of Mysore (Hardback)

eBook: Tigress of Mysore (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Passage to India: (Matthew Hervey 13) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Words of Command: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 12): immerse yourself in this brilliantly crafted military masterpiece (DRM EPUB)

eBook: On His Majesty's Service: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 11): A tense, fast-paced unputdownable military page-turner from bestselling author A

eBook: Sabre's Edge: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 5):A gripping, action-packed military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson (DRM EPUB

eBook: Rumours Of War: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 6): An action-packed and captivating military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson

eBook: Act Of Courage: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 7): A compelling and unputdownable military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson (

eBook: Call To Arms: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 4): A rip-roaring and fast-paced military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson (DRM

eBook: Nizam's Daughters (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 2): A rip-roaring and riveting military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson. (D

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eBook: Company Of Spears: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 8): A gripping and heart-stopping military adventure from bestselling author Allan Mallinson

eBook: Warrior: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 10): A gripping and action-packed military page-turner from bestselling author Allan Mallinson (DRM EP

Allan Mallinson 作者作品表

The Shape of Battle (Paperback)

eBook: Shape of Battle: The Art of War from the Battle of Hastings to D-Day and Beyond (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Shape of Battle: Six Campaigns from Hastings to Helmand (DRM EPUB)

The Shape of Battle: Six Campaigns from Hastings to Helmand (Hardcover)

The Tigress of Mysore (Paperback)

eBook: Tigress of Mysore (DRM EPUB)

The Tigress of Mysore (Hardback)

Fight to the Finish (Paperback)

Passage to India (Paperback)

eBook: Fight to the Finish: The First World War - Month by Month (DRM EPUB)

Fight to the Finish: The First World War - Month by Month (Hardcover)

eBook: Passage to India: (Matthew Hervey 13) (DRM EPUB)

Passage to India (Hardcover)

Too Important for the Generals (Paperback)

Too Important for the Generals (Hardcover)

Too Important for the Generals (Paperback)

eBook: Too Important for the Generals: Losing and Winning the First World War (DRM EPUB)

Words of Command (Paperback)

Words of Command (Hardcover)

eBook: Words of Command: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 12): immerse yourself in this brilliantly crafted military masterpiece (DRM EPUB)

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