eBook: Even the Stiffest People Can Do the Splits: Get the limber body you've always wanted, prevent injury and improve circulation in just four weeks
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Eiko 
分類: Fitness & diet ,
Exercise & workout books  
書城編號: 22749351

售價: $169.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hodder & Stoughton
出版日期: 2017/11/02
ISBN: 9781473669635
>> 相關實體書

Over 1 million copies sold in Japan!Young, old, made of rubber or rusty metal, anybody can do the splits. Eiko, a yoga instructor from Japan, teaches you how in just four weeks and you can achieve dramatic health benefits in the process. Most people wish they could be more flexible, or even just feel better as they get out of bed every morning. Doing the splits is seen as the epitome of flexibility, but it also has previously unrecognized, often dramatic health benefits:- Gain better circulation- Reduce the risk of joint injuries and lower back pain- Enjoy better balance - Tighten your stomach muscles and tone the legs - Improve overall flexibilitySo how does it work? You will start by doing two of the basic stretches every day. Then, add one new stretch to that routine every week thereafter. The routine takes no more than five minutes a day, and in just four weeks you'll be doing a perfect splits! Some people will get it sooner, others may take a little bit longer but EVERYBODY can do the splits with Eiko's help.
Eiko 作者作品表

Eiko的吃喝玩樂日本語: 掌握「聽」「說」關鍵字,秒懂秒回日本人!(附QR code音檔)

eBook: Even the Stiffest People Can Do the Splits (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Even the Stiffest People Can Do the Splits: Get the limber body you've always wanted, prevent injury and improve circulation in just four weeks


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