eBook: Night (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bernard Minier 
系列: Commandant Servaz
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Fiction in translation  
書城編號: 22749482

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hodder & Stoughton
出版日期: 2019/02/07
ISBN: 9781473678170
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The No.1 bestseller in France, NIGHT is the thrilling new novel from award-winner Bernard Minier. The Commandant Servaz series The Frozen Dead is available now on Netflix.A woman murdered in a church in Norway.A collection of photographs on an oil rig in the North Sea.A young boy in a picturesque Austrian village.The three clues that suggest a serial killer has returned . . . Detective Kirsten Nigaard believes the signs point to none other than Julian Hirtmann, a serial murderer on the run. She turns to Toulouse cop Martin Servaz, who has a painful personal history with Hirtmann. Servaz hunted the elusive killer for many years until the trail went cold. Now they have a chance to bring him to justice at last. But soon the pair find themselves in a terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, not knowing who is chasing whom, and which of them might pay the ultimate price.Praise for Bernard Minier'Over the past few years, France has produced some of Europe's most striking and original crime novelists. Bernard Minier is up there with the best' - The Sunday Times'A super-accelerated version of a Hitchcock thriller, with thrills and shocks on nearly every page . . . Minier reels out lurid, quick and dirty prose, dirty enough to blacken the fingers as we read' - Spectator
Commandant Servaz

eBook: Night (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Don't Turn Out the Lights (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Song for Drowned Souls (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frozen Dead: Now on Netflix, the Commandant Servaz series (DRM EPUB)

Bernard Minier 作者作品表

eBook: Lucia (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Noaptea (DRM EPUB)

Night (Paperback)

eBook: Night (DRM EPUB)

Night (Hardcover)

Don't Turn Out the Lights (Paperback)

Don't Turn Out the Lights (Hardcover)

eBook: Don't Turn Out the Lights (DRM EPUB)

Song for Drowned Souls (Paperback)

Song for Drowned Souls (Paperback)

Frozen Dead (Paperback)

Frozen Dead (Hardcover)

Glace (Paperback)

Bajo el Hielo (Paperback)

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