eBook: Blue: A Memoir Keeping the Peace and Falling to Pieces (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Sutherland 
分類: Memoirs ,
True crime ,
True stories of heroism, endurance & survival ,
Police & security services ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 22758865

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Orion
出版日期: 2017/05/25
ISBN: 9781474606073
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A Sunday Times top-five bestseller'This is a remarkable book . . . profound and deeply moving . . . It has as much to tell us about mental illness as it does about policing' Alastair StewartJohn Sutherland joined the Met in 1992, having dreamed of being a police officer since his teens. Rising quickly through the ranks, he experienced all that is extraordinary about a life in blue: saving lives, finding the lost, comforting the broken and helping to take dangerous people off the streets. But for every case with a happy ending, there were others that ended in desperate sadness, and in 2013 John suffered a major breakdown.Blue is his memoir of crime and calamity, of adventure and achievement, of friendship and failure, of serious illness and slow recovery. With searing honesty, it offers an immensely moving and personal insight into what it is to be a police officer in Britain today.
John Sutherland 作者作品表

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The Siege: The fast-paced thriller from a former Met Police negotiator (Paperback)

Original Matter Contained in Lt. Col. Sutherland's Memoir On the Kaffers, Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa, Heads 1St and 2Nd: Commentaries

Original Matter Contained in Lt. Col. Sutherland's Memoir On the Kaffers, Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa, Heads 1St and 2Nd: Commentaries

The Siege (Paperback)

eBook: Siege (DRM EPUB)

The Siege (Hardcover)

Monica Jones, Philip Larkin and Me: Her Life and Long Loves (Paperback)

Crossing the Line: Lessons From a Life on Duty (Paperback)

Monica Jones, Philip Larkin and Me: Her Life and Long Loves (Hardback)

Monica Jones, Philip Larkin and Me (Paperback)

eBook: Monica Jones, Philip Larkin and Me: Her Life and Long Loves (DRM EPUB)

Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway (Paperback)

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