eBook: Trapped at the Altar (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jane Feather 
分類: Historical romance  
書城編號: 22759853

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Pocket books
出版日期: 2014/07/22
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781476703763
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New York Times bestselling author and ';consummate storyteller' (RT Book Reviews) Jane Feather weaves a sizzling series that moves from the remote wilds of southwest England to the turbulent royal court, following a young woman who is forced into marriage in order to unite two familiesand discovers a most unexpected passion.Ariadne Carfax has vowed to be with the man she loves, Gabriel Fawcett. There's just one obstacle. On his deathbed, Ari's grandfather decrees that she marry her childhood friend Ivor Chalfont, thus forging a powerful alliance between the two warring families. Giving Ari no time to protest, the elders plan her wedding the next day, forcing her to follow through on the nuptials. Though she is fond of Ivor, Ari has no intention of consummating their marriageuntil he kindles an intoxicating desire that she can't ignore. Ivor has loved Ari for years, but he doesn't want an unwilling wife. He wants Ari to ache with the same irresistible longing he feels. And if that's the way to woo her into his bed and into their new life, he won't rest until his new bride surrenders to true love.
Jane Feather 作者作品表

Kissed by Shadows (Compact Disc)

Kissed by Shadows (MP3 CD)

The Accidental Bride (MP3 CD)

The Accidental Bride (Compact Disc)

The Hostage Bride (MP3 CD)

The Hostage Bride (Compact Disc)

eBook: Ravish Me with Rubies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Seduce Me with Sapphires (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tempt Me with Diamonds (DRM EPUB)

Bold Destiny (paperback)

To Wed a Wicked Prince (paperback)

All the Queen's Players (paperback)

Reckless Angel (paperback)

A Husband's Wicked Ways (paperback)

Virtue (paperback)

Vice (paperback)

Vanity (paperback)

Violet (paperback)

Valentine (paperback)

Venus (paperback)

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