eBook: Forty Acres: A Thriller (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dwayne Alexander Smith 
分類: Thriller / suspense  
書城編號: 22760344

售價: $208.00

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出版日期: 2014/07/01
頁數: 384
ISBN: 9781476730554
>> 相關實體書

';A thriller in a class by itselfbrilliant and scary!' Terry McMillan Read the page-turning, provocative thriller that will forever change the way you think about slavery and its legacy in today's America. Martin Grey, a smart, talented black lawyer working out of a storefront in Queens, becomes friendly with a group of some of the most powerful, wealthy, and esteemed black men in America. He's dazzled by what they've accomplished, and they seem to think he has the potential to be as successful as they are. They invite him for a weekend away from it allno wives, no cell phones, no talk of business. But far from home and cut off from everyone he loves, he discovers a disturbing secret that challenges some of his deepest convictions Martin finds out that his glittering new friends are part of a secret society dedicated to the preservation of the institution of slaverybut this time around, the black men are called ';Master.' Joining them seems to guarantee a future without limits; rebuking them almost certainly guarantees his death. Trapped inside a picture-perfect, make-believe world that is home to a frightening reality, Martin must find a way out that will allow him to stay alive without becoming the very thing he hates. A novel of rage and compassion, good and evil, trust and betrayal, Forty Acres is the thought-provoking story of one man's desperate attempt to escape the clutches of a terrifying new moral order.
Dwayne Alexander Smith 作者作品表

Sounds Like a Plan (Compact Disc)

eBook: Forty Acres (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Forty Acres: A Thriller (DRM EPUB)

Forty Acres: A Thriller

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