eBook: Big Guns: A Novel (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Steve Israel 
分類: Political / legal thriller  
書城編號: 22764913

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2018/04/17
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781501118043
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From Steve Israel, the Congressman-turned-novelist who writes ';in the full-tilt style of Carl Hiaasen' (The Washington Post), a comic tale of the mighty firearm industry, a small Long Island town, and Washington politics: ';Congress should pass a law making Big Guns mandatory reading for themselves' (Nelson DeMille).When Chicago's Mayor Michael Rodriguez starts a national campaign to ban handguns from America's cities, towns, and villages, Otis Cogsworth, the wealthy chairman and CEO of a huge arms company in Asabogue, Long Island, is worried. In response, he and lobbyist Sunny McCarthy convince an Arkansas congressman to introduce federal legislation mandating that every American must own a firearm. Events soon escalate. Asabogue's Mayor Lois Leibowitz passes an ordinance to ban guns in the townright in Otis Cogsworth's backyard. Otis retaliates by orchestrating a recall election against Lois and Jack Steele, a rich town resident, runs against her. Even though the election is for the mayor of a small village on Long Island, Steele brings in the big guns of American politics to defeat Lois. Soon, thousands of pro-gun and anti-gun partisans descend on Asabogue, and the bucolic town becomes a tinderbox. Meanwhile, Washington politicians in both parties are caught between a mighty gun lobby and the absurdity of requiring that every American, with waivers for children under age four, carry a gun. What ensues is a discomfiting, hilarious indictment of the state of American politics. ';New York congressman-turned-novelist Steve Israel delivers a second brilliant political satire' (Booklist, starred review). ';An entertaining satire' (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), Big Guns is ';a wonderfully irreverent satire about the fractured and fractious American political and lobbying systema rollicking comedic trip' (Publishers Weekly).
Steve Israel 作者作品表

Big Guns (Paperback)

Big Guns (Compact Disc)

eBook: Big Guns: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Big Guns (hardcover)

Big Guns (Hardcover)

Big Guns (Hardcover)

eBook: Big Guns (DRM EPUB)

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