eBook: Wrestling With His Angel: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. II, 1849-1856 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sidney Blumenthal 
系列: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln
分類: Biography: historical, political & military  
書城編號: 22765667

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2017/05/16
頁數: 608
ISBN: 9781501153808
>> 相關實體書

The ';magisterial' (The New York Times Book Review) second volume of Sidney Blumenthal's acclaimed, landmark biography, The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, reveals the future president's genius during the most decisive period of his political life when he seizes the moment, finds his voice, and helps create a new political party.In 1849, Abraham Lincoln seems condemned to political isolation and defeat. His Whig Party is broken in the 1852 election, and disintegrates. His perennial rival, Stephen Douglas, forges an alliance with the Southern senators and Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. Violent struggle breaks out on the plains of Kansas, a prelude to the Civil War. Lincoln rises to the occasion. Only he can take on Douglas in Illinois. He finally delivers the dramatic speech that leaves observers stunned. In 1855, he makes a race for the Senate against Douglas, which he loses when he throws his support to a rival to prevent the election of a proslavery candidate. In Wrestling With His Angel, Sidney Blumenthal explains how Lincoln and his friends operate behind the scenes to destroy the anti-immigrant party in Illinois to clear the way for a new Republican Party. Lincoln takes command and writes its first platform and vaults onto the national stage as the leader of a party that will launch him to the presidency. The Washington Monthly hailed Blumenthal's Volume I as, ';splendidno one can come away from reading A Self-Made Man without eagerly anticipating the ensuing volumes.' Pulitzer Prizewinning author Diane McWhorter hailed Volume II as ';dramatic narrative history, prophetic and intimate.' Wrestling With His Angel brings Lincoln from the wilderness to the peak of his career as he is determined to enter into the battle for the nation's soul and to win it for democracy.
The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln

eBook: All the Powers of Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. III, 1856-1860 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wrestling With His Angel: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. II, 1849-1856 (DRM EPUB)

Sidney Blumenthal 作者作品表

All the Powers of Earth (Hardcover)

eBook: All the Powers of Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. III, 1856-1860 (DRM EPUB)

Self-Made Man (Hardcover)

Wrestling With His Angel (Hardcover)

eBook: Wrestling With His Angel: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. II, 1849-1856 (DRM EPUB)

A Self-Made Man: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. I, 1809 1849 (hardcover)

eBook: This Town (mp3 zips)

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