eBook: Wolves (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Emily Gravett 
書城編號: 22774300

售價: $117.00

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製造商: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2021/04/15
頁數: 40
ISBN: 9781529083675

Rabbit borrows a book about wolves from the library. He can't put it down! But soon a sinister figure with sharp claws and a bushy tail starts to creep right off the pages. You won't believe your eyes - but if you're a rabbit, you probably should.Brilliantly witty, ingeniously constructed, and with amazing artwork throughout, Wolves has thrilled critics and booksellers alike. Wolves was Emily Gravett's debut book, winning her the Macmillan Prize for Illustration and her first CILIP Kate Greenaway Award.
Emily Gravett 作者作品表

Bothered by Bugs (Hardcover)

eBook: Bothered by Bugs (DRM EPUB)

10 Cats (Board Books)

10 Dogs: A Funny Furry Counting Book (Paperback)

10 Dogs (Hardcover)

10 Perros (Hardcover)

eBook: 10 Dogs: A funny furry counting book (DRM EPUB)

10 Dogs (Hardcover)

10 Cats (Paperback)

10 Cats (Hardcover)

eBook: Monkey and Me (DRM EPUB)

The Odd Egg: Special 15th Anniversary Edition with Bonus Material (Paperback)

Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears (Main Market Ed.) (Paperback)

10 Cats (Hardcover)

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eBook: Wolves (DRM EPUB)

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