eBook: Voice-Overs for Podcasting: How to Develop a Career and Make a Profit (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Elaine A. Clark 
分類: Dance & other performing arts  
書城編號: 22784636

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Allworth
出版日期: 2020/11/17
頁數: 144
ISBN: 9781621537472

A Creative Performance Approach to Producing Podcasts that Showcase and Monetize Your Skills, Knowledge, and PersonalityVoice-Overs for Podcasting is exactly what podcasters of all levels need: an essential handbook to create, build, improve, and connect with audiences around the globe. Written by veteran voice-over coach and author, Elaine A. Clark, this book delivers the nuts and bolts of podcasting and elevates it to a new creative level where the voice is the star and the listener is the happy recipient. Clark shows the reader how, in addition to developing knowledge and expertise on their topic, a podcaster's emotion, storytelling, content, voice, and performance techniques can hugely impact listeners and reviews. This must-read guide offers a fresh approach for podcasters to perform and deliver the most engaging story that audiences will want to hear, turning a small fan base into millions of subscribers. Chapters cover topics such as: Podcasting stylesEpisode formattingVoice quality and improvementPerformance techniquesTips for overcoming pitfalls and challengesRecording, editing, and equipmentPosting podcastsMonetizingLegal mattersInsider tips and tricksWhat's trendingAnd much more practical and creative advice! With Voice-Overs for Podcasting, you'll be on your way to creating, improving, and sharing your voice and story with the world.
Elaine A. Clark 作者作品表

eBook: Voice-Overs for Podcasting: How to Develop a Career and Make a Profit (DRM EPUB)

eBook: There's Money Where Your Mouth Is (Fourth Edition): A Complete Insider's Guide to Earning Income and Building a Career in Voice-Overs (DRM EPUB

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