eBook: Green Interior Design: The Guide to Sustainable High Style (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lori Dennis, Courtney Porter 
分類: Professional interior design  
書城編號: 22784641

售價: $247.00

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製造商: Allworth
出版日期: 2021/03/09
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781621537649

An essential introduction to sustainable domestic design. DwellmagazineHow to Achieve Style and SustainabilityGreen Interior Design is the most comprehensive guide to sustainable building, designing, and decorating on the market. This beautifully illustrated guide covers every detail of your homefrom the drywall to the finial on the curtain rodand how to find the most environmentally friendly versions of products and decor. This second edition of Green Interior Design is meant as much for the budget DIYer as it is for the luxury homebuilders looking to dip their toes into sustainability. Sprinkled among the chapters, readers will find: Digestible how-tos for quick updatesFun DIY projectsQuick tips on repurposing and upcyclingHelpful resources and buying guidesInspiring home toursUnconventional advice from designers (e.g., ';Don't buy anything!') We hope readers carry this reference guide with them as they decorate apartments, furnish their first properties, and build their dream homes from the ground up. The second edition's interactive structure allows you, the reader, to choose your own adventure: go into the weeds and get granular with purchasing decisions for your home, or take a more generalized approach to your green design project. Whichever path you choose, know that it's more important than ever before to act sustainably. ';Going green' is more than just a trend: It's a global economic and social necessity.

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