eBook: Overcoming Spiritual Slump: A Story of Acedia and How God Can Get You Back in the Game (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lenny Luchetti 
分類: Christian spirituality & religious experience  
書城編號: 22787581

原價: HK$119.00
現售: HK$113.05 節省: HK$5.95

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製造商: Asbury Seedbed Publishing
出版日期: 2021/06/29
頁數: 136
ISBN: 9781628249095

These are challenging times when the Christian's appetite to be with God through prayer and Scripture, and to live for God through trust and obedience, diminish like air slowly leaking from a tire. You are vulnerable to old temptations you thought were in the past and new ones that pop up like moles you're not fast enough to whack! You are not alone, even though few have the language or the courage to talk about their struggle. You are not stuck, even though you feel neck-deep in mud. There is a way out of the staleness, the stagnancy, the slump! If we grab onto the rope of God's grace and hold on for dear life, a spiritual slump can deepen us rather than destroy us. Every problem presents potential for growth. How we navigate the slump will determine the sort of person we become and the kind of life we live. Exploring the life of the Bible's King David, this book presents tools for overcoming the slump so that we can reach our potential for a faithful, fruitful, and fulfilled life in Christ.
Lenny Luchetti 作者作品表

eBook: Overcoming Spiritual Slump: A Story of Acedia and How God Can Get You Back in the Game (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Overcoming Spiritual Slump: A Story of Acedia and How God Can Get You Back in the Game (DRM PDF)

eBook: Preaching with Empathy: Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture (DRM EPUB)

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