eBook: Saving Manresa Castle: Ghosts or No Ghosts? (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ronald Smith 
分類: Memoirs ,
Family & relationships  
書城編號: 22797014

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
出版日期: 2019/07/23
頁數: 138
ISBN: 9781644168196
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High on a hill in Northwest Washington, overlooking the Key City of Port Townsend, lies Manresa Castle. Built in 1892 by area pioneer Charles Eisenbeis, the former home and later a Jesuit seminary served as a community landmark for over eighty years, but, by 1973, was badly in need of restoration; however, neither banks nor local investors would grant the owners loans for improvements. Saving Manresa Castle takes you on a journey that reveals how Ronald Smith left his high-tech position in Silicon Valley, purchased the Castle, and, with his family, spent sixteen years (1973""1989) overcoming major obstacles to create a unique and now famous guest inn. Since that time, thousands of guests have come and gone, taking with them unforgettable memories of one of Northwest Washington's most popular vacation venues. Here, Ron Smith tells his version of stories about the widely publicized ghosts of Manresa Castle in which the Smith family lived, full time, for many years. He shares information about the ghost of the Jesuit priest who supposedly committed suicide by hanging himself in the attic turret. He also tells how he and his wife, Carol, lived in the very suite where Kate, a guest at the castle toward the end of the nineteenth century, purportedly committed suicide by jumping out of the third-floor bedroom window. As you begin reading Saving Manresa Castle, prepare to enjoy never-before-published stories and photographs that will give you insight into the restoration of a fabled landmark. Ron and his family hope you enjoy this virtual tour of Manresa Castle.
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Unique Entanglements: A Journey Through Passion, Sacrifice, and Success (Paperback)

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