eBook: I Thought I Was the Only One: Grandparent Alienation: a Global Epidemic (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Amanda 
分類: Family & relationships ,
Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 22801945

原價: HK$52.00
現售: HK$49.4 節省: HK$2.6

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製造商: iUniverse
出版日期: 2021/06/15
頁數: 386
ISBN: 9781663224347
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If you are experiencing alienation from your children and grandchildren, this is the book for you! It will be your Bible, your indispensable guide as you try to negotiate your way through some of the most difficult and heart-wrenching days of your life. Amanda is the world's leading expert on grandparent alienation, and she has distilled into this book her years of experience and understanding as the tireless founder and indispensable leader of Alienated Grandparents Anonymous, the world's largest organization of estranged grandparents desperate to see and be with their own grandchildren. It is the indispensable Bible for hurt and puzzled and distraught grandparents! ~ The Reverend Dr. John Killinger, author of From Poppy with Love: Letters from a Grandfather to the Grandchildren He Isn't Allowed to See Amanda has provided a comprehensive and groundbreaking guide to the seemingly increasing intergenerational phenomenon of grandparents who are cut off from adult children and grandchildren. This is a must-read for anyone experiencing the grief, isolation, shame and trauma associated with such situations. By sharing selected experiences from grandparents in her own words along with what has been gleaned from experts in family estrangement, alienation, and legal approaches, Amanda brings light and hope to affected grandparents. Themes of bravery, understanding, encouragement, hope, and ultimate love of family enduring amid impossible circumstances are present throughout this pioneering book. ~ Carol Hosmer Golly, PhD, PL, MSW, LCSW, RPTS, Child/Adolescent Family TherapistAmanda is a leader and unique voice in the movement to bring help, healing and awareness for those dealing with the trauma of being an alienated grandparent. In her book, she brings her years of experience, reading, and advocacy to help the thousands of grandparents suffering with the profound pain being cut off from contact with their grandchildren. She has probably talked to and reached more alienated grandparents than anyone I know and it shows in her new book. Highly recommended. ~ Dr. Joshua Coleman, author, When Parents Hurt: Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don't Get Along (HarperCollins).
Amanda 作者作品表

毛孩的真實心聲 今世彼此的約定

eBook: I Thought I Was the Only One: Grandparent Alienation: a Global Epidemic (DRM EPUB)





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