In this beautifully illustrated book, author Joe McDonald presents a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the natural history of mountain gorillas, one of the world's most endangered great apes. The volume includes over 170 photos from Joe, his wife, Mary Ann, and a third contributor-plus interesting, eye-opening facts about gorillas (plus a chapter devoted to other great apes), spiced with personal observations and anecdotes from the author and his wife's combined 202 treks to study and photograph Rwanda's mountain gorillas. Readers will learn all of the essential facts about gorillas-from what they eat, to how and where they live, to why they chest beat, how they play, and their future prospects as a threatened species. This book contains the most thorough and diverse portfolio of mountain gorillas images ever published, featuring detailed, full-color photographs that show every facet of their behavior, some of which has never been captured before.