eBook: Art of Cannabis: A Visual Tour (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Chris LaPrise 
書城編號: 22803679

原價: HK$259.00
現售: HK$246.05 節省: HK$12.95

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製造商: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2019/04/15
ISBN: 9781682034019

There are millions of images of marijuana plants and buds on the Internet, sold as prints and posters, and bound in books-but few bring new life to the subject. In this book, photographer Chris LaPrise offers a view of the plant "through a different lens," capturing intricate detail through macro photography and using postproduction processes (including the creation of mirrored images) to produce highly artistic, hypnotic impressions of cannabis that "don't actually exist, but are there to be found and brought into the light." While Chris appreciates the beauty of the plant as a whole, he feels that capturing extreme closeups produces images that stimulate the brain and activate the imagination. In the images in this evocative book, viewers will notice faces, shapes, and beings as the brain seeks to see more deeply and feed its desire to recognize and appreciate something different and unusual-but beautiful in its own right.
Chris LaPrise 作者作品表

Art Of Cannabis (Paperback)

eBook: Art of Cannabis: A Visual Tour (DRM EPUB)

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