eBook: Dealing with Menopause: All you need to know about menopause and how to get relief (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Amanda Robbins 
書城編號: 22805802

售價: $39.00

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製造商: Ingram Publishing
出版日期: 2020/04/09
頁數: 21
ISBN: 9781761033902

DEALING WITH MENOPAUSE Going through menopause can be a difficult time in a womans life, particularly if you arent entirely sure what to expect.This book will take you through the whole process, and explain to you all of the signs and symptoms that you can expect to experience.Youll learn ways to minimize the symptoms and side effects, so that you can go through this moment in life as comfortably as possible.Menopause may feel like the end of an era, but its really an exciting start of a new chapter in your life. This book aims to change your attitude and mindset towards menopause, and will leave you feeling more positive about the experience. Here Is A Preview Of What Youll Learn... What is menopause Symptoms of menopause Medical treatments for menopause Home remedies for menopause Alternative medicine for menopause Life after menopause Much, much more!
Amanda Robbins 作者作品表

eBook: Dealing with Menopause: All you need to know about menopause and how to get relief (DRM EPUB)

Air Fryer Cookbook: 550 Easy and Delicious Air Fryer Recipes for Fast and Healthy Meals (with Nutrition Facts) (paperback)

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