eBook: NLP For Business: How you can use neuro linguistic programming to succeed in business and improve your career! (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Andrew Wilkinson 
書城編號: 22805834

售價: $39.00

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製造商: Ingram Publishing
出版日期: 2020/04/14
頁數: 18
ISBN: 9781761034220

NLP FOR BUSINESSNeuro Linguistic Programming, otherwise known as NLP, is a technique and technology developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s.NLP is used to explain why we do what we do, to change our reactions in different situations, and to ultimately help people achieve success.NLP has risen to popularity in recent times, and is advocated by many celebrities and success gurus such as Tony Robbins.Quite simply, NLP works.This book will serve as an introduction to NLP, particularly when being applied to business scenarios.This book will instruct you on how to use NLP to achieve goals as both an individual, and as a team.You will learn about proper goal setting, and the steps required to take massive action towards these goals.Through reading this guide, youll be properly prepared to achieve massive success within your business and professional life! Here Is A Preview Of What Youll Learn... What is NLP The 4 Key Steps How to Take Massive Action How to use NLP as a Team How to Perfect NLP as a Business Much, much more!
Andrew Wilkinson 作者作品表

Never Enough: Why You Don't Want to Be a Billionaire (Hardcover)

eBook: Never Enough (DRM EPUB)

eBook: NLP For Business: How you can use neuro linguistic programming to succeed in business and improve your career! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Overcome Anxiety With NLP: How you can use neuro-linguistic programming to improve anxiety! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: NLP Guide: How neuro-linguistic programming works and how you can learn NLP (DRM EPUB)

CBT for Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (Paperback)

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